Hand_Embroidery by pen_ A3 size x2
nota: l´expression « mouton de Panurge » désigne un suiveur : une personne qui imite sans se poser de questions,
qui suit instinctivement ce que fait le plus grand nombre et se fond dans un mouvement collectif sans exercer son esprit critique
ni seulement faire preuve de l'intelligence qu'on peut espérer d'un être humain sinon d'un mouton.
Les moutons de Panurge sont invoqués pour fustiger l'esprit grégaire.
Use of the text
The text used in Coming Together is past, present and future. A sense of timelessness is portrayed through the text alone;
it looks back and forward.
- 1. i think the combination of age and the greater coming together is responsible for the speed of the passing time
- 2. its six months now and i can tell you truthfully few periods in my life have passed so quickly.
- 3. i am in excellent physical and emotional health.
- 4. there are doubtless subtle surprises ahead but i feel secure and ready.
- 5. as lovers will contrast their emotions in times of crisis, so am i dealing with my environment.
- 6. in the indifferent brutality, incessant noise, the experimental chemistry of food, the ravings of lost hysterical men,
- i can act with clarity and meaning.
- 7. i am deliberate --sometimes even calculating-- seldom employ histrionics except as a test of the reactions of others.
- 8. i read much, exercise, talk to guards and inmates, feeling for the inevitable direction of my life.
Text unfolds in the following additive, then subtractive process
- (1) 1
- (2) 1 2
- (3) 1 2 3
- (4) 1 2 3 4
- (5) 1 2 3 4* 5 (14 cells)
- (6) 1 2 3 4 5 6
- (7) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7* (14 cells)
- (7) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
- (6) 3 4 5 6 7 8
- (5) 4 5 6 7 8* (18 cells)
- (4) 5 6 7 8
- (3) 6 7 8
- (2) 7 8
- (1) 8* (10 cells)
- (7) (7) (7) (7) (7) (7) (7) (7) = 56 cells
*builds to here
{ Alain Robbe- Grillet, L'Eden et aprés, 1970}
Curved folding can lead to the creation of forms both complex and beautiful not easily replicated and are essential
for surviving. All the developed surfaces form a unique set of curved surfaces that can be unrolled to blur the
of the structure,
aesthetics and design. But, that physical test culminates each time in an enormous Bang and crashes the forces evolved
and die.
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